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All posts of admin

Smallest Municipalities in Alberta – Future in Peril

Over the past 20 years municipal governments in Canada have been undergoing substantial restructuring, much of which flies under the radar for most Canadians until it hits close to home.  In Alberta, these restructuring changes are constantly underway and changes may become more swift than in the past.  The impacts are important to understand. In […]

Nolan Crouse – Leadership Perspective

The “Penalty of Leadership” – MacManus ad for Cadillac Excuse the gender bias that was written in this by this author, but it is a good read The most famous MacManus ad was for Cadillac. It first appeared in The Saturday Evening Post of January 2, 1915. The car was not pictured; only a small rendering of the […]

Nolan Crouse – On Leadership

  Leaders have a tremendous impact on their organization, because the phrases they share with their teams can either produce distrust and apathy or ignite passion and commitment. And what you say to the people that you work with will influence their work ethic and attitude. A strong leader will recognize this, and take advantage […]

Nolan Crouse – Cannabis Confusion Blog

A HAZY CLOUD OF CONFUSION STILL FACES CANADIAN MUNICIPALITIES A HAZY CLOUD OF CONFUSION STILL FACES CANADIAN MUNICIPALITIES Game on! On December 11th, 2017 the Canadian Federal Government announced that it will release 75% of the cannabis excise tax revenues to help support the other orders of government that are on the front lines of legalizing cannabis […]

Nolan Crouse, Mayor, “address” relative to my intention; fall 2017 election

Video Located here https://www.dropbox.com/s/0ls9afkmxb1rb22/MayorsIntention_1.mp4?dl=0 Today, serving you from this spot along the river, I would like to share with you my plans for the fall of 2017 municipal election, and before I get to that, I would like to share some precursor thoughts. First of all, one of life’s greatest gifts beyond parenting a child, is […]